

Inquiry on Abstract abstract@kcsnet.or.kr

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No. 주제 특별
심포지엄 구두발표 포스터 합계
1 KCS & KRICT - [대한화학회 창립 70주년, 한국화학연구원 창립 40주년 기념 국제심포지엄] Chemistry: Perspectives for the Future 6 6
2 기념강연 1 1
3 고분자화학 - Nucleic Acids in Materials Science – Programmable Biopolymers 1 4 5
4 고분자화학 - Architecture Controlled Polymers: Dendrimer, Hyperbranched, Star, Cycle and beyond 3 3
5 고분자화학 - Flexible Thermoelectric Materials for Wearable Devices 5 5
6 무기화학 - Recent Trends in Inorganic Chemistry I: Symposium for Senior Professors 4 4
7 무기화학 - Recent Trends in Inorganic Chemistry Ⅱ: Metal–Organic Frameworks 5 5
8 무기화학 - Recent Trends in Inorganic Chemistry Ⅲ: Organometallic Catalysis and Inorganic Materials 2 4 6
9 물리화학 - Machine Learning and Chemistry 1 5 6
10 물리화학 - Physical Chemistry of Biomolecules and Cells 5 5
11 물리화학 - Recent Physical Chemistry Studies on Nanomaterials 1 3 4
12 분석화학 - Recent Trends in Analytical Chemistry I: Elemental and Environmental Analysis 1 4 5
13 분석화학 - Recent Trends in Analytical Chemistry Ⅱ: Analytical Chemistry in Microsystems 1 4 5
14 생명화학 - Biochemistry of Proteostasis 1 4 5
15 생명화학 - Frontiers in Chemical Biology 1 3 4
16 유기화학 - Current Trends in Organic Chemistry I: Methodology and Application 1 3 4
17 유기화학 - Current Trends in Organic Chemistry Ⅱ: Molecular Recognition 4 4
18 유기화학 - Current Trends in Organic Chemistry Ⅲ: Synthetic Methodology and Catalysis 3 3
19 의약화학 - Innovative Trials and Technology for Drug Discovery 4 4
20 재료화학 - Nanobio-materials for Biomedical Application 6 6
21 재료화학 - Responsive Smart Materials 4 4
22 재료화학 - Current Trends in Nano Materials Chemistry 5 5
23 전기화학 - New Frontiers in Electrochemistry: Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry I 4 4
24 전기화학 - New Frontiers in Electrochemistry: Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry Ⅱ 4 4
25 화학교육 - Current Trends in Chemistry Education 3 3
26 환경에너지 - Advances in Chemistry of Energy 4 4
27 대한민국 미래를 위한 기초연구 발전 비전과 2017년도 기초연구사업 설명회 2 2
28 [IBS 심포지엄] Novel Carbon Chemistry and Materials 4 4
29 신종질병 대응기술 포럼 4 4
30 사례로 알아보는 특허 심포지엄 (특허청-물질특허연구회 주관) 4 4
31 대학원생들을 위한 실험실 안전교육 3 3
32 고분자화학 - Oral Presentation for Young Polymer Scientists 5 5
33 무기화학 - Oral Presentation for Graduate Scholars in Inorganic Division 12 12
34 물리화학 - Oral Presentation for Young Scholars in Physical Chemistry 8 8
35 분석화학 - Oral Presentation of Young Analytical Chemists Ⅰ 23 23
36 분석화학 - Oral Presentation of Young Analytical Chemists Ⅱ 36 36
37 생명화학 - Oral Presentation of Young Biological Chemists 9 9
38 유기화학 - Oral Presentations of Young Scholars in Organic Division 8 8
39 재료화학 - Recent Trends in Materials Chemistry 1 4 5
40 전기화학 - Oral Presentation in Electrochemistry 1 6 7
41 환경에너지 - Recent Trends in Environmental and Energy Chemistry 8 8
42 고분자화학 99 99
43 공업화학 14 14
44 무기화학 171 171
45 물리화학 181 181
46 분석화학 59 59
47 생명화학 82 82
48 유기화학 292 292
49 의약화학 63 63
50 재료화학 194 194
51 전기화학 83 83
52 초중등교사ㆍ화학교육 14 14
53 환경에너지 25 25
합계 6 1 1 11 114 119 1277 1529