119th General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area 분석화학
Room No. 포스터발표장
Time 4월 21일 (금요일) 13:00~14:30
Code ANAL.P-171
Subject Characterizing the Optical Properties of Single Gold bipyramids with Sharp Tips as Single Particle Orientation Probes
Authors 이소영, 하지원*
울산대학교 화학과, Korea
Abstract Plasmonics metallic nanoparticles have a potential for various applications in optics, catalysis, sensor, medicine etc. Recently, single metallic nanoparticles are gaining much attention as an attractive biomolecular sensor. Especially, gold bipyramids are expected to be a promising material for biosensors to obtain high detection sensitivity due to its sharper tips compared with spherical gold nanoparticle or rod-shape gold nanoparticle and present high scattering cross-section. Herein, we performed single particle study to characterize the optical properties of gold bipyramids with sharp tips under scattering-based dark-field (DF) and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy, and to examine their use as orientation probes in biological and physical studies. We found polarization-dependent DIC images and intensities of single gold bipyramids, which enabled for the determination of their orientation angle under DIC microscopy. Furthermore, we found that DIC polarization anisotropy can be obtained from the orthogonally polarized bright and dark intensities for more accurate and reliable angle measurements of single gold bipyramids.
E-mail soyung9420@hanmail.net