119th General Meeting of the KCS

Type Oral Presentation
Area Oral Presentation of Young Inorganic Chemists
Room No. 401호
Time THU 09:00-:
Code INOR.O-1
Subject Direct observation of the formation, structures, and dynamics of individual nanoparticles in solution
Authors 박정원
서울대학교 화학 생물 공학부, Korea
Abstract Nanocyrstals are widely studied for their physical properties and utilized in biology, electronics, optics, and catalyst. However, most of nanocrystal synthesis and their uses are developed empirically with a limited mechanistic understanding. It is mainly because of their size and heterogeneity in structures and physical properties which cannot be easily accessible by conventional analytical methods. Here, we introduce in situ observations of the phase transition, growth, 3D structures, and dynamics of individual nanocrystals. Our study unveils heterogeneity of growth mechanism of individual nanocrystals, critical steps during growth that incorporate non-classical pathways, and resulting 3D structures at the atomic resolution. Following their motions and interactions in solution, formation mechanism of the 2D superlattice of nanocrystals is also elucidated in a single particle resolution. Direct observation of nanocrystal motions when conjugated with biological systems is also presented along with an introduction of the methodological development that enables aforementioned studies.
E-mail jungwonpark@snu.ac.kr