119th General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area 물리화학
Room No. 포스터발표장
Time 4월 20일 (목요일) 11:00~12:30
Code PHYS.P-35
Subject The Observation of Bond Formation Process via Wave Packet Motion [우수포스터상]
Authors 손소형, 주태하*
POSTECH 화학과, Korea
Abstract Changing chemical bond is the most important process in terms of understanding various phenomena for synthesis and microscopic point of view. Gold is one of the most popular candidate for studying bond formation due to its self-assembly character called aurophilicity. The simplest system of gold, Au(CN)2-, is used for studying bond formation. There is a controversy about excited state dynamics. Iwamura and his coworker claims that bonds are tightened in excited singlet state and conformational change will occur within ~2 ps using femtosecond pump-probe transient absorption (TA) with ~200 fs time resolution. On the other hand, Ihee group demonstrated intrinsic results about structural point of view using time-resolved X-ray solution scattering (TRXSS). They argue that the bent-to-linear structural change will occur within <500 fs and bond shortening is completed in the triplet state. Both TA spectra and TRXSS, however, contain information on the ground state and other excited states such as S2 or higher states and triplet states as well as the first excited state. In this regards, time-resolved fluorescence is powerful method which provides information of pure first excited state. Detailed experimental results will be presented in the poster.
E-mail shsohn@postech.ac.kr