119th General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area Photocatalytic Water Oxidation and Carbon Dioxide Reduction Ⅰ
Room No. 408호
Time THU 09:30-:
Code IND1-2
Subject Dye-Sensitized Hybrid Photocatalyst for CO2 Reduction
Authors 손호진
고려대학교 신소재화학과, Korea
Abstract Alarmed by global warming, and apprehended by unbridled green-house gas emission, we are facing a great challenge on climate change; thus, the reduction of CO2 gas and further to the conversion of CO2 have been the major research topics both in academics and industries.[1] Recently, the photochemical multiple-electron reduction of CO2 represents a reliable method of producing useful chemicals, converting CO2 to organic feedstocks such as carbon monoxide (CO), formic acid (HCOOH, 2 electron reduction), methanol (CH3OH, 6 electron reduction), and methane (CH4, 8 electron reduction).[2] We have developed efficient organic and inorganic hybrid phtocatalytic system involving three major components that will eventually converge to a unified hybrid system to become a “dye-sensitized semiconductor hybrid” photocatalyst.[3] Initial solar light sensitization occurs at the photosensitzer (PS) followed by electron transfer to the n-type semiconductor (n-SC), most commonly at TiO2 and finally to the site of organometallic molecular reduction catalyst (RC), facilitating the generation of electrons that can be funnelled to RC, where they will react with CO2. A cartoon that represents our hybrid photocatalyst system is shown in Figure. In the course of further optimizing the current dye-sensitized photocatalytic CO2 reduction, several strategies were employed with the introduction of diverse types of sensitizers showing light-harvesting ability in long-wavelength region and alternate reduction catalysts (Ru, Ni, Mn-based organometallic complexes).
E-mail hjson@korea.ac.kr