119th General Meeting of the KCS

Type Oral Presentation
Area Oral Presentation of Young Analytical Chemists Ⅱ
Room No. 303호
Time FRI 09:48-:
Code ANAL2.O-21
Subject Efficient use of separation space in two-dimensional liquid chromatography system for extensive and efficient proteomic analyses
Authors 이한겨레, 이상원*
고려대학교 화학과, Korea
Abstract Proteomics aims to complete profiling of the protein content and their modifications in cells, tissues, and biofluids and to quantitatively determine changes in their abundances. This information reveals cellular processes and signaling pathways and serves to identify candidate protein biomarkers and/or therapeutic targets. Therefore, analysis should be comprehensive and efficient. Here, we present a novel online two-dimensional reverse-phase/reverse-phase liquid chromatography separation platform, employing a newly developed online non-contiguous fractionating and concatenating device (NCFC fractionator). In bottom-up proteomics analyses of a complex proteome, this system provided significantly improved exploitation of the separation space of the two RPs, resulting in a considerable increase in the numbers of peptides identified compared to a conventional contiguous 2D-RP/RPLC method. The fully automated online 2D-NCFC-RP/RPLC system bypassed a number of labor-intensive manual processes (offline fractionations, poling, clean-up, drying/reconstitution, and autosampler fraction injection) required with previously described offline 2D-NCFC-RP/RPLC method, offering minimal sample loss and highly reproducible 2D-RP/RPLC experiments.
E-mail hanhgr@korea.ac.kr