120th General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area Current Trends in Organic Chemistry II: Organic Materials & Supramolecular Chemistry
Room No. Room 304+305+306
Time FRI 10:00-:
Code ORGN2-3
Subject Chemical Posttranslational modification of Proteins: C-C bond formation reaction using radical chemistry
Authors hee-yoon lee
Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Abstract Posttranslational modification of proteins expand the diversity of protein function (Scheme 1).1 Though development of C-C bond forming reaction with proteins is important in studying the posttranslational modification of proteins, due to aqueous nature of the reaction medium hindered the development of C-C bond forming reaction. Only handful examples of such reactions have been reported with limited applicability.2 Free radicals are well known reactive intermediates in the C-C bond formation and widely used in organic synthesis. Another advantage of free radicals in addition to the high reactivity is the compatibility with water.3 Unlike other reactive intermediates, radicals do not react with water molecules and thus the radical reaction can be run in aqueous medium. That could allow development of organic reactions with proteins. To mimic posttranslational modification of nature, we have devised a reaction protocol using radical C-C bond forming reaction using dehydroalanine as the common precursor. Development of the C-C bond forming reaction with dehydroalanine in water and application of the reaction to the modification of proteins will be presented.
E-mail leehy@kaist.ac.kr