120th General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area [Laboratory Safety Education] Study on the Psychological Processes Underlying Errors and Laboratory Management Systems for the Improvement of Chemical Laboratories
Room No. Room 214
Time THU 14:50-:
Code KCS5-3
Subject KOFWST’s Achievements of Safety Management for Women Scientists
Authors Jiyoung Moon
Korea Federation of Women's Science & Technology Associations (KOFWST), Korea
Abstract The Korea Federation of Women's Science & Technology Associations (KOFWST), a leading union composed of 59 member organizations in the field of women’s science and technology established ‘Laboratory Safety Management Committee for Women Scientists’ in 2015. The committee aims to spread the need to consider the gender differences in the working environment. Also to change the male-oriented point of view in the Safety Management education curriculum to make a better research environment for men and women in the laboratory and construction sites.

The committee studied whether safety management education curriculum considers the characteristic of women (pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menstruation) within the laboratories. But insufficient of educational materials of showing how to consider the gender differences, especially about the characteristic of women led the committee to publish a guideline for laboratory safety management.

Based on the guideline, the committee published pamphlets and online educational videos. These materials were distributed to universities, research institutes, academies and KOFWST member organizations. Furthermore, the committee held a UCC competition to raise the awareness of safety management issues in the laboratory environment. These ongoing efforts will promote gendered innovations in the field of science and technology.