120th General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Polymer Chemistry
Room No. Exhibition Hall 2+3
Time 10월 20일 (금요일) 13:00~14:30
Code POLY.P-23
Subject Chromatic detection of glucose by polydiacetylene vesicle
Authors Minhee Kim, Young Jae Shin1, Min Jae Shin2,*, Jae Sup Shin3,*
chemistry, Chungbuk Natioanl University, Korea
1Physics, Harvard University, United States
2School of Integrated Oriental Medical Bioscience, Semyung University, Korea
3Department of Chemistry, Chungbuk Natioanl University, Korea
Abstract Research on the glucose sensor is particularly very noteworthy, because of increasing diabetics around the globe. People with diabetes must measure their sugar levels in their blood several times a day. Recently, many new methods for detecting glucose have been reported. Polydiacetylene (PDA) vesicle is formed by the sonication of an amphiphilic diacetylene compound, following UV irradiation. The color of the PDA vesicle is changed from colorless to blue during polymerization. Glucose oxidase is known to react with glucose to promote the oxidation reaction as follows. Glucose + O2 → Gluconic acid + H2O2. And H2O2 can be used as an initiator for the polymerization of a diacetylene compound, and the polymerization process was used for sensing, i.e., the transition from a colorless monomeric vesicle state to a polymerized blue state was used as a sensing step for H2O2. Therefore, in this study a polydiacetylene vesicle was used to fabricate glucose sensor, allowing feasible colorimetric detection. The vesicle was formed by sonication of 10,12-pentacosadiynoic acid (PCDA). H2O2 formed by the reaction between glucose and glucose oxidase functioned as the initiator for the polymerization of PCDA in the presence of horseradish peroxidase. The solution turned blue after the polymerization of PCDA vesicle. Thus the glucose concentration could be detected to the concentration level that turns the solution to blue. The UV absorbance of glucose solution was proportional to glucose concentration. The results of this study indicate that glucose concentration upto 1 mM can be detected by change in blue color by eyes. We believe that a sensor capable of colorimetric detection of glucose concentration directly by eye will be meaningful.
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