120th General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area Scientific and Technological Talents Aspired by the Government and Industry
Room No. Room 206+207
Time THU 10:00-:
Code KCS2-1
Subject The Role of Chemists at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Authors Inho RHA
Vice-president of DONGWOO FINE-CHEM, Korea
Abstract 1. Company Overview: DONGWOO FINE-CHEM

2. What is the desirable role of chemists in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Google’s Computer Program, AlphaGo, defeated Lee Sedol, a South Korean master of Go in the Google DeepMind Challenge Match in March 2016, winning the five game match with a 4–1 score. Since its historic success, AlphaGo has heralded a new era for the ancient game of Go with worldwide interest as to whether machines could overcome the creativity and thinking skills considered as unique human domains. Thereafter, interest in artificial intelligence and the new paradigm of the Fourth Industrial Revolution increased dramatically.

Slightly ahead of this turn of century match, “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution” was set as a major agenda item at the World Economic Forum (WEF) held in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2016. The term ' the Fourth Industrial Revolution' itself was used to mean the convergence of manufacturing and information communication in 'High Tech Strategy 2020' announced by Germany in 2010. Since then, scientists, economists, and research institutes around the world have studied and discussed not only the Fourth Industrial Revolution but also the changes in future social structures and industrial forms that may arise.

Professor Klaus Schubert, author of the 4th Industrial Revolution and WEF Chair, defined the Fourth Industrial Revolution as a technological revolution that rapidly transforms economic and social structures through convergence of diverse sectors such as digital and biotechnology industries. On the other hand, it is also true that inconsistencies and confusion over the background, definition and features of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are still growing. Since the Fourth Industrial Revolution has just begun, it can be interpreted differently depending on the interests of viewers, stakeholders, and countries.

In this presentation, I like to discuss about the desirable role of chemists in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era which will transform labor market resulting in a net loss of over 5 million jobs in 15 major developed and emerging economies by 2020.