120th General Meeting of the KCS

Type Oral Presentation
Area Oral Presentation of Young Inorganic Chemists
Room No. Room 211+212+213
Time THU 09:30-:
Code INOR.O-2
Subject Methods for Controlling Properties and Functions of Organic and Inorganic Materials
Authors Jin Kuen Park
Department of Chemistry, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea
Abstract My research interest is centered on the molecular design and synthesis of innovative, functional materials for applications in organic electronics (including, for example, conjugated small molecules and polymers for organic photovoltaics and field-effect transistors). In addition to the synthetic foundations, I am also focused on contributing to the fundamental understanding how material’s molecular structures can affect their optical, electronic properties, and molecular packing behavior with the objective of being able to guide the future design of high-performance and high-efficiency organic devices. Besides, I have developed synthetic methods for the preparation of hybrid materials consisting of inorganic/organic constituents. Especially, the inorganic/organic hybrids based on two dimensional inorganic lattice such as layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and functional polymers have been studied to tailor the desirable physico-chemical properties of such hybrids.
E-mail jinkpark@hufs.ac.kr