121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Material Chemistry
Room No. Event Hall
Time 4월 20일 (금요일) 11:00~12:30
Code MAT.P-335
Subject Multifunctional Sponge Composites with Tailored Properties for Environmental remediation
Authors Yoseph Lee, WON SAN CHOI1,*
Chemical biological engineering, Hanbat National University, Korea
1Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Hanbat National University, Korea
Abstract Water pollution by heavy metals, organic dyes, and oily wastewaters has become a serious environment issue. Diverse technologies have been reported to eliminate these pollutants. Among these methods, nanoadsorbents are of particular interest in wastewater treatment because of their high surface-to-volume ratio, which leads to a higher uptake capacity. However, most of the reported nanoadsorbents are flow type, which are very vulnerable to leakage in the process of separation because they are dispersed or precipitated. It has been recently reported that the unintended leakage of nanomaterials into the environment can cause a significant threat to the environment and public health. These issues and challenging task led us to develop the sponge composites that can perform removal of pollutants without leakage of adsorbents and oil/water separation.
E-mail yoseph1993@naver.com