121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Electrochemistry
Room No. Event Hall
Time 4월 20일 (금요일) 11:00~12:30
Code ELEC.P-570
Subject Method for non-chromic surface treatment of the lead tab
Authors Jeongsuk Cheon, Jongwon Kim*
Department of Chemistry, Chungbuk Natioanl University, Korea
Abstract Lead tab is a terminal for a pouch type lithium ion battery and consists of metal tabs and plastic insulating films. A pouch type lithium ion battery is widely used in diverse fields, such as smartphone, electric vehicle and energy storage system industry. Lead tab is a key component that determines stability and chemical resistance of pouch type lithium ion batteries; therefore, chromium oxide layers are coated on the tabs in order to enhance chemical resistance between the metal tabs and the insulating films of lead tab. Chromium is harmful to human body and causes environment problems; therefore, industry is currently developing non-chromic treatment techinques of lead tabs. In this work we developed an eco-friendly coating technology to the tab which improves the chemical resistance of the pouch type lithium ion battery. An electrochemical method is applied in the tab with an eco-friendly coating technique for enhancing the adhesion between the metals and insulating films, wherein the anti-electrolytic performance was comparable to the Cr based-surface treatment. The surface treatment with improved electrolytic resistance of lead tab improves battery life time. A non-chromic surface treatment of the lead tab is useful as the most effective alternative to regulatory policy against chrome use.
E-mail js.cheon@claviscorp.com