121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area Current Trends in Environmental and Energy Chemistry
Room No. Room 201B
Time THU 16:10-:
Code ENVR1-2
Subject Geochemical influence on microbial community diversity and compositions at subsurface environments with human impacts
Authors Man Jae Kwon
Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea University, Korea
Abstract A variety of biogeochemical processes in the subsurface environments are a key component of the global elemental cycling including C, N, Fe, and S. Microorganisms influence the chemical and physical properties of subsurface environments and thus represent an important control on the fate and environmental impact of inorganic and organic contaminants. In addition, these biogeochemical processes are often disturbed by human activites. However, how the human activities on subsurface environments will influence microbial populations over long time scales is largely unknown. We investigated geochemical influence on subsurface microorganisms at several human impacted environments including mine tailings, underground waste storate sites, livestock waste burials and CO2-rich groundwaters. To understand these complex disrupted environmental systems, we have utilized multidisciplinary approaches including standard lab-based chemical methods and synchrotron-based x-ray techniques to investigate mineral transformations and metal speciation and metagenomics to assess microbial community structure, dynamics, and function. Our results showed that subsurface microbial communities in these human impacted environments are very diverse and the community compositions can be dramatically changed depending upon specific geochemical conditions. Our study highlights the need to better understand microbial community dynamics along these specific geochemical environments to evaluate long-term impact of these microorgnisms on human and ecosystem.
E-mail mankwon73@gmail.com