121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Polymer Chemistry
Room No. Event Hall
Time 4월 20일 (금요일) 11:00~12:30
Code POLY.P-7
Subject Facile Synthesis of Hydroxystyrene Based Block Copolymers via Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain-Transfer Polymerization
Authors JISU KIM, Sol An1, Myungwoong Kim1,*
chemistry, Inha University, Korea
1Department of Chemistry, Inha University, Korea
Abstract Poly(hydroxystyrene) (PHS) has been extensively used in a variety of applications including photolithography and block copolymer lithography. Specifically, poly(hydroxystyrene) based block copolymer has been considered as a promising platform due to its highly polar nature and the reactivity of phenol groups along the chain. Herein, reversible addition-fragmentation chain-transfer polymerization of an acetal protected monomer, (4-(2-tetrahydropyranyloxy)styrene) (OTHPSt), and chain extension of the poly(OTHPSt) with various monomers are demonstrated. We found that RAFT polymerization of OTHPSt was efficient enough to control molecular weight with narrow dispersity. Furthermore, chain extension with other monomers was possible, leading to well-defined block copolymers. The copolymer was subjected to deprotection under mild acidic condition, highlighting its possibilities for facile synthetic routes toward a variety of hydroxystyrene-based block copolymers.
E-mail jisu0528@naver.com