121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area Recent Trends in Drug Discovery
Room No. Room 302
Time THU 17:25-:
Code MEDI-4
Subject Identification and regulation of motif-mediated interactions
Authors Moon-Hyeong Seo
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Abstract As proteins perform pivotal roles in cells, tightly and accurately controlled interactions among proteins orchestrate essential cellular processes, from development to cell death. Thus, not surprisingly, protein-protein interactions (PPIs) have caught particular attention for deeper understanding of cellular mechanisms as well as for the development of novel strategies to target various types of diseases. Nevertehless, lots of binding interfaces, especially the motif-mediated interactions (MMIs), are among the most underrepresented types of interactions in available interaction data, largely due to technical difficulties inherent in the properties of MMIs. As the increasing recognition of the vital roles of MMIs in biology, several systematic approaches have recently been developed to detect novel MMIs. Here, peptide-based proteome-scale systematic approaches (both target-based and phenotypic-based screening) to identify novel PPIs are introduced. These cutting-edge strategies were demonstrated to be powerful to identify low-affinity interactions and further harnessed to uncover novel therapeutically potential target PPIs by intracellular screening with cancer cells.
E-mail mhseo@kist.re.kr