121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Chemistry Education
Room No. Event Hall
Time 4월 19일 (목요일) 11:00~12:30
Code EDU.P-670
Subject A Case Study on Professors’ Teaching Professionalism Based on Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Science-Engineering Classes
Authors JaeYoung Han*, Nayoon Song1, Taehee Noh1
Department of Chemistry Education, Chungbuk Natioanl University, Korea
1Department of Chemistry Education, Seoul National University, Korea
Abstract As a case study on professors’ teaching professionalism in science-engineering classes, we analyzed their lectures based on the pedagogical content knowledge. Four professors at a university in Chungcheongbuk-do participated in this study voluntarily. Their syllabi were collected before the lecture, and their lectures were observed and videotaped. Semi-structured interviews were conducted before and after their lectures. The subcategories of the PCK components were modified and supplemented in accordance with the lecture context of the university professor. The components of PCK were classified into ‘orientation to teaching in science-engineering classes’, ‘knowledge of curriculum’, ‘knowledge of students’ understanding’, ‘knowledge of instructional strategies’ and ‘knowledge of assessment of student’s learning’. ‘Orientation to teaching in science-engineering classes’ is a system of beliefs about lecture goals and objectives. ‘Knowledge of curriculum’ is the knowledge related to the ability to understand, organize and manage the curriculum appropriate for lectures. ‘Knowledge of instructional strategies’ is the knowledge related to understanding, developing, and applicating appropriate teaching strategies and materials. 'Knowledge about students’ understanding’ is the knowledge that includes students' misconceptions, levels of development, and learning difficulties in lectures. 'Knowledge of assessment of student’s learning' is the knowledge related to the ability to understand, develop and applicate appropriate dimensions and methods for assessment. We will discuss the implications of education in university by summarizing the characteristics of the professors’ lectures.
E-mail jyhannn@chungbuk.ac.kr