121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Oral Presentation
Area Oral Presentation for Young Scholars in Physical Chemistry
Room No. Room 402
Time THU 09:48-:
Code PHYS.O-5
Subject A Theory for Heterogeneous Cancer Cell Division
Authors Hyeonjeong Bae, Bong June Sung*
Department of Chemistry, Sogang University, Korea
Abstract Various anticancer drugs have been developed by interrupting the division of cancer cells. If one were to develop a mathematical model to predict and analyze the cancer cell division, it would help develop a new class of anticancer drugs. However, because cancer cells are quite heterogeneous, the development of the theory for cancer cell division has been a formidable task. In this work, we develop a model based on stochastic differential equations for cell cycle durations of the cancer cells. Our model consists of two differential equations that describe the concentrations of CDK1 and APC proteins, and allows us to investigate several cell generations. We compare our model to experiments for cell cycle durations in a group of cancer cells. We measure how long each cancer cell stays in G1/S/G2/M phases and calculate the population profile of cancer cells as a function of time. Our model successfully reproduces the experimental population profile. We extend our model to cancer cells treated with an anticancer drug MLN 8237 and find that our model reproduces the population profile of the cancer cells, too.
E-mail olivegr2n@naver.com