121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area Current Trends in Chemistry Education
Room No. Room 400
Time THU 16:20-:
Code EDU-2
Subject Teachers' Perception and the State of Management on 'Science Stories' Presented in Elementary School Science Textbooks
Authors Ae-Kyung Shin
Jeju National University, Korea
Abstract This study investigates teachers' perception and the state of management on 'Science Stories' presented in Elementary school science textbooks. The study surveys 60 teachers who work at small and medium city elementary schools and teach science. The survey consists of total 21 questions. The questions are divided into 6 basic questions on teachers, 6 questions for the teachers' perception of reading education, 6 questions for the science story, and 9 questions for the science story actual class management. The results of this are as follows. First, in the section of teachers' perception of reading education, 96.7 % of teachers replied that reading education is important in Korean and other subjects. There were 46 teachers who deliberately used reading strategies in all subjects, and only 22 teachers who deliberately used reading strategies in science subjects. Second, in the section of perception of science story, most teachers recognized that the purpose of science stories was linkage with real life. 66.7 % teachers answered positively about the necessity of science stories. Furthermore, 73.3% teachers answered proper on the quantity of science stories and 63.3% teachers responded suitable for students' levels. Third, in the section of management on the science story in classes, all teachers who took part in the survey answered that they used science stories in their science classes. 22 of them were using reading strategies, and 5 integrated science stories with other subjects. Most teachers are using science stories as a supplement or an enrichment, and the most common reason for not using reading strategies in science stories is the lack of class time.
E-mail akshin@jejunu.ac.kr