121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Material Chemistry
Room No. Event Hall
Time 4월 20일 (금요일) 11:00~12:30
Code MAT.P-495
Subject Pd nanodot decorated MoS2 on glass for Solar-light induced Suzuki-Miyaura C-C coupling catalyst
Authors Taejun Han, Hyeon Ho Shin, DONGKWON LIM*
KU-KIST Graduate School, Korea University, Korea
Abstract In this work, we prepared Pd nanodot decorated MoS2 monolayer sheet on the glass for Sun-light induced Suzuki-Miyaura reactions. Pd(ll) bound selectively on MoS2 and formed nanodots. Pd(ll) MoS2 is a superior photocatalyst to Pd(0)-coated MoS2. Furthermore, the darkfield image including other types of data demonstrates the apparent difference in characteristics between Pd(ll)-coasted MoS2 and Pd(0)-coated MoS2. Mechanical studies would be proceeded to explain that this higher catalytic effect is derived from more electron-hole pair generation of MoS2 with Pd(ll) than MoS2 with Pd(0) under sunlight.
E-mail taejun1516@korea.ac.kr