121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Organic Chemistry
Room No. Event Hall
Time 4월 19일 (목요일) 11:00~12:30
Code ORGN.P-529
Subject Development of fluoride ion sensor and their application in methodology
Authors Ga Eun Lee, Young Ju Lee1, Kye Chun Nam2,*
Department of Chemistry, Chonnam National University and Korea Basic Science Institute, Korea
1Korea Basic Science Institute, Korea
2Department of Chemistry, Chonnam National University, Korea

Among the range of biologically important anions, fluoride is of particular interest owing to its established role in preventing dental caries. The fluoride ion has also been examined extensively as a treatment for osteoporosis. In pursuit of fluorescent fluoride ion a naphthalene urea derivative 1 was synthesized and its fluorescent spectral characteristics with fluoride ions was investigated. Two new naphthalene urea derivatives 2, 3 that were selective ‘naked-eye’ fluoride ion sensors were synthesized by introducing a nitro group and their anion binding properties were investigated by UV-vis spectroscopy and color changes. For the application of fluoride chemosensors, fluoride detection will be tested for nucleophilic substitution between aryl alkoxide and aryl fluoride in various synthetic reactions.

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