121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Polymer Chemistry
Room No. Event Hall
Time 4월 20일 (금요일) 11:00~12:30
Code POLY.P-65
Subject Copolymer for Narrow Band Green-Selective Organic Photodiode
Authors Min Jae Sung, Yun Hi Kim1, Soon-Ki Kwon*
Department of Materials Engineering , Gyeongsang National University, Korea
1Department of Chemistry, Gyeongsang National University, Korea
Abstract A new donor−donor copolymer was synthesized for narrow band green-selective organic photodiode application. Thanks to well-defined intramolecular conjugation and inhibited intermolecular interaction of new polymer compared to its donor−acceptor type analogues, new polymer revealed narrow band green-selective absorption peak at 510 nm with low full width at half-maximum value of 98 nm. In addition, deep ionization energy of new polymer, as confirmed by photophysical analyses, made it less susceptible to oxidational degradation. Green-selective organic photodiodes (OPDs) were fabricated utilizing new polymer as a green absorbing donor material and ZnO as a nonabsorbing acceptor material.
E-mail sbhku@naver.com