121st General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Polymer Chemistry
Room No. Event Hall
Time 4월 20일 (금요일) 11:00~12:30
Code POLY.P-69
Subject Photonic Properties Enhancements of Disordered Photonic Structure by Doping Complex Refractive Index Materials
Authors CHANGJUN OH, jiwoong YOO, Youngjong Kang*
Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University, Korea
Abstract General photonic glasses are dielectric structures having short-range order and reflect specific wavelength of light corresponding energy of photonic bandgap (PBG). But photonic glasses show low reflectance and chroma and the breakthrough was needed to enhance optical properties. Some papers recently explain that imaginary part of RI also affects to formation of PBG. But until now, imaginary part of RI in artificial photonic crystals is not considered. So, we graft imaginary part of RI onto disordered photonic structures by doping absorbing materials and confirm that reflectance increase when absorption band of absorbing materials and PBG of photonic structures are matched. This result means absorption resonantly interacts with reflectance of disordered photonic structures. There were no reports of effect of absorber on optical properties enhancement. This study will suggest a new directions of photonic crystal fields and bring improvement of industrial application possibility.
E-mail dhckdwns369@gmail.com