122nd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Inorganic Chemistry
Room No. Grand Ballroom
Time 10월 19일 (금요일) 11:00~12:30
Code INOR.P-38
Subject Fabrication of hydrophobic flexible free-standing titanium carbide (Ti3C2Tx) MXene coated carbon fabric for EMI shielding in S band region
Authors Raagulan Kanthasamy, Gyu Youn Chea1,*, Bo Mi Kim1, Seon Guk1
Chemistry, Wonkwang University, Korea
1Department of Chemistry, Wonkwang University, Korea
Abstract Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a worldwide issue due to the modern electronic systems. MXene, is graphene like two-dimensional material is an attractive candidate for EMI shielding material along with non-woven carbon fabric is an excellent choice as carbon base material. The MXene coated fabric was fabricated by facile dip coating process and structural features, EMI shielding effectiveness, electric conductivity and wettability were investigated. The coating process generated hydrophobic surface with contact angle of 123°, wetting energy of -39.86 mN/m, 33mN/m work of adhesion and spreading Coefficient of -113mN/m. The composites exhibit excellent thermal stability until 250°C with 5 % weight loss between 250 to 350°C temperature range. The 15-times coated (D15) exhibited higher EMI shielding effectiveness about 43 dB at 2.3 GHz with absolute EMI shielding of 7734.5 dBcm2g–1 and 247.5 dBcm3g-1 shielding effectiveness. The changes of EMI shielding effectiveness of composite was 1 dB/cycle. According to the above result, composite display better outlook application areas like aviation, portable electronics, radars, aerospace and military.
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