122nd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Inorganic Chemistry
Room No. Grand Ballroom
Time 10월 19일 (금요일) 11:00~12:30
Code INOR.P-60
Subject Ligand Isomer Effect of Bis-O2S2-Macrocycle on Adaptive Cluster Formation and Their Homonuclear and Heteronuclear Complexes
Authors Seulgi Kim, Shim Sung Lee*
Department of Chemistry, Gyeongsang National University, Korea

In addition to the silver(I) complexes of regioisomers (o-bis-L and (m-bis-L) of bis-O2S2-macrocycle,1 borderline (Pb2+) and soft (Hg2+ and Cu+) metal ions are employed to investigate the isomer effect.2,3 CuI reacts with o-bis-L (W-binding site) and m-bis-L (U-binding site) to afford 1-D CPs, [(Cu4I4)(o-bis-L)]n (1) and [(Cu2I2)(m-bis-L)]n (2) linked by a spacious [Cu4I4] cluster and a smaller [Cu2I2] cluster, respectively, due to the different exo-binding sites. This result illustrates the adaptive cluster formation through the binding site design. Lead(II) perchlorate afforded a 1-D CP {[Pb2(o-bis-L)(ClO4)2(ClO4)2]}n (3) and a discrete complex [Pb2(m-bis-L)(CH3CN)2(H2O)2(ClO4)2](ClO4)2 (4), in which both are based on the endocyclic binuclear complexes due to the oxophilicity of lead(II). Meanwhile, mercury(II) halides showed an endocyclic dinuclear complex [Hg2(o-bis-L)I2][Hg3I8] (5) and an exocyclic 1-D CP [Hg3(m-bis-L)Br6]n (6) because of the different S…S separation in the two isomers. A mixture of mercury(II) iodide and copper(I) iodide afforded a heterometallic 1-D CP [Cu2Hg2(m-bis-L)(Cu2I2)(CH3CN)2I6]n (7) in which the exocyclic dicopper(I) complex units are linked by -Hg-Cu2I4-Hg- segments to form a zigzag chain. References [1] Siewe, A. D.; Kim, J.-Y.; Kim, S.; Park, I.-H.; Lee, S. S. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 393. [2] Kim, S.; Siewe, A. D.; Lee, E.; Ju, H.; Park, I.-H.; Park, K.-M.; Ikeda, M.; Habata, Y.; Lee, S. S. Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 2018. [3] Kim, S.; Siewe, A. D.; Lee, E.; Ju, H.; Park, I.-H.; Jung, J. H.; Habata, Y.; Lee, S. S. Cryst Growth Des. 2018, 18, 2424.

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