122nd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Electrochemistry
Room No. Grand Ballroom
Time 10월 19일 (금요일) 11:00~12:30
Code ELEC.P-497
Subject Synthesis of Co2Si nanowires on silicon substrate for on-chip electrochemical capacitor application
Authors Jiyoung Lee, Woo youn Kim*, Bongsoo Kim*, Hana Yoon1,*
Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
1Separation and Conversion Materials Research, Korea Institute of Energy Research, Korea
Abstract Electrochemical capacitors have received great attention because of their high power capability, excellent cycle stability and high charge/discharge rate. Among various materials, metal silicides have potential for use as electrode materials for electrochemical capacitors due to their high electrical conductivity, high earth abundance, and potential ease of integration into conventional silicon-based electronics. Herein, Co2Si nanowires with small diameters of ~20-70 nm have been synthesized on silicon substrate by using simple chemical vapor transport method and their electrochemical performance for the electrochemical capacitor has been investigated. The as-synthesized Co2Si nanowires show high areal capacitance, high energy density, and good cyclability in an ionic liquid electrolyte. We suggest that Co2Si nanowires have great potential as electrode materials for electrochemical capacitors.
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