122nd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area Structure and Function of Membrane Proteins
Room No. Room 314
Time THU 16:20-:
Code LIFE1-2
Subject Structural analysis of a Unique Light-driven Chloride Pump Rhodopsin from marine bacteria
Authors Hyun-Soo Cho
Yonsei University, Korea

Recently, light-driven sodium pump rhodopsin (NaR/KR2/NDQ rhodopsin) and chloride pump rhodopsin (ClR/NTQ rhodopsin) from marine flavobacteria were identified by metagenomics study. One of them, light-driven sodium pump rhodopsin (NaR) structure was determined. The other one we have solved the first crystal structure of a unique class light-driven chloride pump (ClR) from Nonlabens marinus S1-08, at resolutions of 1.57 Å. Like structured Halorhodopsin (HR), ClR can transfer chloride ion from extracellular to cytosol. Although both ClR and HR are same light-driven chloride pump rhodopsin, we found some evidences that ClR and HR are different in structure and mechanism. In this structure, we suggest that how chloride ion transfer from extracellular to cytosol, determine significant residues for controlling functions and confirm light-driven pump activity through mutagenesis and functional assay. Also, unlike rhodopsin family, we found that ClR has structural differences such as ECL1 and Helix 8. These results suggest that together with NaR, ClR is a unique and new molecule for optogenetic study.

E-mail hscho8@gmail.com