122nd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area Recent Research Activities in Solid-State Materials
Room No. Room 323
Time FRI 09:00-:
Code INOR2-1
Subject Zeolite based decontaminants against chemical warfare agents
Authors Hyun Sung Kim
Department of Chemistry, Pukyong National University, Korea

The recent turmoil and volatile situation in many countries and the increased risk of terrorist activities have raised alarm bells for the field of defense against toxic chemical/materials. These situations pose threats to society as terrorists can take advantage of such situations to strike and cause public mayhem. We will introduce briefs about different decontamination processes and approaches for chemical decontamination and also discusses about various decontamination products available globally. Especially, sulfur mustard gas, also called HD, is one of the main chemical warfare agents and has claimed thousands of lives and left many more contaminated. The development of functional materials to promptly capture and detoxify sulfur mustard within a few minutes is extremely important to save the lives of the affected people. This has motivated us to explore excellent detoxification systems that can be deployed in the field to rapidly capture and hydrolyze mustard gas in a short time. To that end, we present a silver-ion-exchanged zeolite Y [(Ag+)n@Y, n = 5, 13, 21, 32, 43 and 55] that can rapidly capture mustard gas and its simulant (2-chloroethyl ethyl sulfide, CEES) in ambient conditions to enable the prompt hydrolysis of the CEES captured in its nanopores.

E-mail kimhs75@pknu.ac.kr