122nd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Award Lecture in Division
Area Recent Trends in Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry
Room No. Room 320
Time FRI 10:20-:
Code ELEC2-3
Subject What Can Electrochemical Interface Tell Electrochemists? The Case Studies of Advanced Electrodes for Energy Storage Devices
Authors Jin Ho Bang
Department of Bionano Technology and Department of Chemical and Molecular Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea
Abstract Understanding electrochemical interface is crucial in establishing a new design principle of advanced electrodes for energy applications. However, the ability to control the interface is still limited, and elucidating the resulting performance trend remain a big challenge to electrochemists. In this symposium, our efforts to gain insight into various interfacial phenomena are presented, in particular focusing on a new comprehensive understanding of carbon/electrolyte interfaces that are frequently encountered in energy storage devices.
E-mail jbang@hanyang.ac.kr