123rd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Material Chemistry
Room No. Exhibition Hall 2
Time 4월 19일 (금요일) 11:00~12:30
Code MAT.P-391
Subject BixPdy Alloy Particles Characterized by Catalytic Activity at Low Temperature: Nitro Reduction and C-C Coupling Reactions under Green Conditions
Authors Kang Yeol Lee*, Seung Heon Lee1, Myong Yong Choi1, Jineun Kim1
Research Institute of Natural Science, Gyeongsang National University, Korea
1Department of Chemistry, Gyeongsang National University, Korea
Abstract A simple method for synthesizing the BixPdy alloy particles is described. The structure, composition distribution and size of synthesized BixPdy alloy particles were characterized using a number of analytical techniques. The Bi:Pd atomic ratio (x:y) of the particles was determined to be approximately 1:3 (Bi24Pd76), 1:1 (Bi54Pd46) and 3:1 (Bi74Pd26). The crystalline properties of the surface of the BixPdy alloy particles were observed in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy analysis. The d-spacings between the adjacent lattice planes were measured on the surface of BixPdy alloy particles by averaging 10 lattice fringes distance. The catalytic activity of BixPdy alloy nanoparticles was determined for the nitro compound reduction and C-C coupling reactions under green conditions (in water solution). Bi1Pd3 particles were shown to provide the best catalytic performance during both reactions, resulting in a yield of 98% in both cases.
E-mail k9876047266@gmail.com