123rd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area New Frontiers in Electrochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications
Room No. Room 407+408
Time THU 16:10-16:40
Code ELEC1-2
Subject Mechanism of Contact Electrification and Redox Reaction for Au with Polydimethylsiloxane
Authors Seongpil Hwang*, Changsuk Yun1, Juhyoun Kwak2
Department of Advanced Materials Chemistry, Korea University, Korea
1Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
2Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Abstract The investigation on the static charge generation by contact electrification between Au and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and the redox reaction by the static charge in the aqueous phase will be presented to reveal the mechanism of contact electrification and redox reaction which may be applied to mechanical-to-chemical energy harvesting. First topic is the mechanism of contact electrification. There are two controversial mechanism of electron transfer and ion migration. The static charge distribution on the equipotential Au was probed through Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) in air after the contact with patterned PDMS to reveal what happens during the contact. Second, the redox reaction by the charged Au was electrochemically monitored using open circuit potential (OCP), stripping voltammetry, and copper underpotential deposition (UPD). All electrochemical experiments consistently resulted in the reduction of the reactant by the charged Au within the highly dielectric water media. The suggested behavior of contacted Au in water will be introduced.
E-mail sphwang@korea.ac.kr