123rd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Oral Presentation
Area Oral Presentation for Young Polymer Scientists
Room No. Room 403
Time THU 09:48-10:00
Code POLY.O-5
Subject Phase behavior and ion transport properties of acid-bearing block copolymer containing ionic liquids
Authors Ha Young Jung, Moon Jeong Park1,*
Chemistry, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
1Department of Chemistry, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
Abstract Ion-containing block copolymers, consisting of mechanically robust hydrophobic block and ion-conducting hydrophilic block, are of interest for polymer electrolyte membranes given that microphase separation behavior of block copolymers offers simultaneous achievement of high mechanical strength and high ionic conductivity. Ion-conducting block is commonly prepared by modifying polymer backbones with protogenic moieties. Most widely investigated systems are sulfonated polymers owing to the easy synthetic steps and high dissociation degree of proton. Other protogenic groups such as phosphonic acid group have also been attracted great interest, enabling self-dissociation of proton under dry conditions. In this study, we study the polymers based on bis(sulfonyl) imide groups, which have low pKa value than that of sulfonic acid counterpart. Morphology and ion transport properties of bis(sulfonyl) imide-tethered block copolymers were investigated with a focus on the role of protogenic groups in determining proton transport efficiency along nanoscale ionic phases. Especially, with the introduction of ionic liquids, dissimilar thermodynamic interactions of ionic liquids with protogenic groups of polymers led to markedly different phase behavior of resultant block copolymer electrolytes
E-mail hyiung@postech.ac.kr