123rd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Poster Presentation
Area Analytical Chemistry
Room No. Exhibition Hall 2
Time 4월 19일 (금요일) 11:00~12:30
Code ANAL.P-268
Subject Feasibility of electrochemically modulated SERS measurement for improved differentiation of gallbladder diseases
Authors Tung Vu, Eunjin Jang1, Hoeil Chung*
Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University, Korea
1Chemistry, Hanyang University, Korea
Abstract A screen-printed electrode (SPE) covered with three-dimensional gold nanodendrites (AuNDs) was used to measure SERS spectra of bile juices. To acquire SERS spectra with distinct features, a bile juice was pretreated with CH3Cl-CH3OH solution to eliminate hydrophobic components such as lipids and the remained aqueous hydrophilic phase was measured. Interestingly, Raman spectral features of the aqueous phase samples mostly resembled with those of bilirubin. So, it was presumed that the peaks were originated from conjugated-bilirubins, formed in a liver by attachment of sugars (such as glucuronic acid) to bilirubin (a heme break down product). Subsequently, conjugated-bilirubin becomes soluble in water. It expects that structure and composition of conjugated-bilirubin are dissimilar depends on different GB diseases (GB stone, polyp and cancer). Further, potentially improve the differentiation, varying electrochemical potentials were applied to the bile juice sample on SPE surface and corresponding SERS spectra were also acquired. Finally, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to qualitatively evaluate the degree of discrimination among these 3 GB diseases in the cases with and without application of electrochemical potential.
E-mail tung.vu.hus@gmail.com