123rd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area Recent Trends in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Room No. Room 401+402
Time THU 16:10-16:30
Code INOR1-2
Subject Toward Novel and Versatile Building Block for Zr-based Prototype MOFs
Authors Hyungphil Chun
Department of Applied Chemistry, Hanyang University, Korea
Abstract Recent market-oriented developments for metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) ask for simple, easy-to-prepare and stable MOFs which are surprisingly rare among tens of thousands of systems known in literatures. Therefore, it has been sought to discover a new prototype MOF that could readily be expanded into a series of simple and stable crystalline porous materials. In particular, Zr-carboxylate systems with simple ligands have been targeted by varying solvothermal reaction conditions. It has been found out that inorganic acids are potentially good substitutes for commonly used monocarboxylic acid modulator. This presentation introduces some results obtained by this approach, namely formate-based [Zr36] macrocycles and MOF-like framework. Ongoing efforts toward non-carboxylate Zr building blocks will also be included.
E-mail hchun@hanyang.ac.kr