123rd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area Mass Spectrometry in Chemical Biology
Room No. Room 407+408
Time FRI 10:40-11:00
Code LIFE2-5
Subject Multiplexed proteome quantification platform using isotopic chemical and metabolic labeling
Authors Jong-Seo Kim
Center for RNA Research, IBS, Seoul National University, Korea
Abstract Isotopic labeling allows for highly accurate and reliable quantification in mass spectrometry-based proteomics. The major technical hurdle, however, is the limited multiplexity (e.g., triplex in SILAC) owing to issues regarding the signal overlapping of isotopic peptide forms and the chromatographic retention time shift. Herein, we present a novel multiplexed MS1-level quantification platform that comprises new six-plex in vivo SILAC or in vitro di-ethylation with a dedicated algorithm, EPIQ (Epic Protein Integrative Quantification). We show that EPIQ significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art tools and allows for highly specific and sensitive detection of differentially expressed proteins without the need for high-end instrumentation. EPIQ together with highly-multiplexed isotopic labeling schemes may offer new opportunities for studies on protein dynamics via metabolic labeling and for clinical proteomic analyses relying on accurate protein quantification.
E-mail jongseokim@snu.ac.kr