123rd General Meeting of the KCS

Type Symposium
Area [Lab Safety Education] Laboratory Safety Education for the Graduate Students
Room No. Room 404
Time FRI 09:40-10:20
Code KCS5-2
Subject Risk Assessment System and Laboratory Accreditation
Authors Young Man Kim
Advanced Analysis Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Abstract Researches in universities and research institutes are becoming more dangerous than those in industries because recent experiments have been done under diverse and complicated conditions. As a result, many accidents have occurred continuously and lab workers are more anxious about the safety in the lab. In response of this situation, government enforces more strict measures for the safe management of hazardous materials.
In this presentation, the enhancement of safe consciousness in the lab is aimed to ensure the safe of lab workers. Several ways to become a better organization in the management of environment and safety will be proposed by establishing the preliminary risk analysis of hazardous factors and self-control safe management system.