

Inquiry on Abstract abstract@kcsnet.or.kr

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No. 주제 기조
심포지엄 구두발표 포스터 합계
1 기조강연 2 2
2 기념강연 2 2
3 고분자화학 - Molecular Photonics Materials and Polymers for Future TechnologyⅠ 1 5 6
4 Molecular Photonics Materials and Polymers for Future TechnologyⅡ 6 6
5 고분자화학 - Functional Soft Materials: Synthesis and ApplicationsⅠ 6 6
6 Functional Soft Materials: Synthesis and ApplicationsⅡ 6 6
7 Functional Soft Materials: Synthesis and ApplicationsⅢ 6 6
8 고분자화학 - Bio-Related Polymers 6 6
9 공업화학 - Symposium on the Application of Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 5 5
10 무기화학 - Inorganic Compounds for Photonics 6 6
11 무기화학 - Special Symposium: Dedicated to Prof. Moojin Jun 6 6
12 무기화학 - Inorganic Compounds for Renewable Energy 6 6
13 물리화학 - Symposium for Nano-Bio Fusion Physical Chemistry 6 6
14 물리화학 - Symposium for Nano-Energy Fusion Physical Chemistry 7 7
15 분석화학 - Young Analytical Chemist Symposium 6 6
16 분석화학 - New Technology for Chemical Analysis 5 5
17 생명화학 - Understanding of Metabolic Diseases 7 7
18 유기화학 - Diversity in Organic Chemistry : Organic Synthesis and Synthetic Method 1 5 6
19 유기화학 - Diversity in Organic Chemistry : Functional Organic Materials 6 6
20 의약화학 - Recent Development of Molecularly Targeted Anticancer Drugs 5 5
21 재료화학 - Materials Chemistry of Nano and BioSciencesⅠ 6 6
22 재료화학 - Materials Chemistry of Nano and BioSciencesⅡ 6 6
23 전기화학 - Electrochemistry in Green Energy Technology Ⅰ 6 6
24 Electrochemistry in Green Energy Technology Ⅱ 6 6
25 초중등교사ㆍ 화학교육 - Issues in Teachers' Employment Examination for Secondary Chemistry Teachers 9 9
26 고분자화학 115 115
27 공업화학 26 26
28 무기화학 172 172
29 물리화학 1 11 216 228
30 분석화학 135 135
31 생명화학 43 43
32 유기화학 9 273 282
33 의약화학 63 63
34 재료화학 8 144 152
35 전기화학 59 59
36 화학교육ㆍ초중등교사 8 10 18
37 [질량분석기술심포지엄] Recent Advances in MS Instrumentation for Proteomic Perfection: From the Perspective of MS Manufacturing Companies 4 4
합계 2 2 3 142 36 1256 1441