

Inquiry on Abstract abstract@kcsnet.or.kr

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No. 주제 기조
심포지엄 구두발표 포스터 합계
1 기조강연 1 1
2 기념강연 1 1
3 고분자화학 - Current Trends in Carbon and Carbon-composite Polymers 8 8
4 고분자화학 - Current Trends in Responsive Polymers 5 5
5 무기화학 - New Visions in Organometallics and Nanochemistry 6 6
6 무기화학 - Recent Advances in Organometallic Chemistry 4 4
7 물리화학 - Biophysical Chemistry: Biological Phenomena Viewed by Physical Chemistry 6 6
8 물리화학 - Recent Trends in Physical Chemistry 2 5 7
9 분석화학 - Recent Trends in Separation Analysis I: Fundamentals 6 6
10 분석화학 - Recent Trends in Separation Analysis II: Applications 1 5 6
11 생명화학 - Infectious Disease Research in Biochemistry and Structural Biology 6 6
12 생명화학 - Recent Advances in Bioconjugation and Related Applications 1 4 5
13 유기화학 - Current Trends in Organic Chemistry I: Catalytic Organic Reactions 5 5
14 유기화학 - Current Trends in Organic Chemistry II: Organic Supramolecular Chemistry 1 4 5
15 의약화학 - Recent Trends of Targeted Therapy for Cancers and Drug Discovery 4 4
16 재료화학 - Recent Trends in Soft Nano/Micro Materials 5 5
17 재료화학 - Synthesis and Application of Exotic Nanoparticles 5 5
18 전기화학 - Recent Developments of Electrochemical Microdevices 6 6
19 전기화학 - Electrochemical Research Using Functionalized Electrodes 6 6
20 화학교육 - Current Trends in Chemistry Education 6 6
21 환경에너지 - Environmental Implication of Nanomaterials 6 6
22 환경에너지 - Biogeochemical Redox Processes and Their Impact on Contaminant Dynamics 7 7
23 국가와 기업이 원하는 과학기술 인재상 2 2
24 Photochemistry Tutorial for Material Scientists; Fundamental and Applications 1 1
25 Research Funding Sponsor Promotion Forum 3 3
26 IoT 미래소재 심포지엄 - 세상과 만물 그리고 사람, 마음으로 通하라 4 4
27 고분자화학 - General Oral Presentation 8 8
28 무기화학 - Oral Presentation for Young Inorganic Chemists 6 6
29 물리화학 - General Oral Presentation 1 9 10
30 분석화학 - Oral Presentation of Young Analytical Chemists 53 53
31 생명화학 - Oral Presentation of Young Biochemists 6 6
32 유기화학 - Oral Presentation of Graduate Scholars in Organic Division 8 8
33 의약화학 - Oral Presentation for Young Medicinal Chemists 4 4
34 재료화학 - Current Trends in Materials Chemistry 7 7
35 한국다우케미칼 우수논문상 수상자 구두발표 9 9
36 Oral Presentation for Young International Chemists 10 10
37 고분자화학 73 73
38 공업화학 15 15
39 무기화학 174 174
40 물리화학 229 229
41 분석화학 95 95
42 생명화학 66 66
43 유기화학 263 263
44 의약화학 50 50
45 재료화학 221 221
46 전기화학 62 62
47 초중등교사ㆍ화학교육 17 17
48 환경에너지 30 30
합계 1 1 6 119 120 1295 1542