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대한화학회 분과회 2015년 5월 행사 안내 - 환경에너지분과회
2015.04.24 조회 수 : 1097

□ 환경에너지분과회

  1. 행사명 : The 2nd International Workshop on Frontiers in Environmental Chemical Research
  2. 행사일자 : 2015년 5월 19일(화) 10-17시
  3. 개최장소 : POSTECH 포스코국제관 대회의실
  4. 주최 : POSTECH 환경공학부, 대한화학회 환경에너지분과회
  5. 후원 : 대한화학회
  6. 발표편수 : 교수 구두발표(11편)
  7. 담당자 : 한승희 교수 (GIST 환경공학부,
  8. 내용
    Time Speaker Lecture Title
    10:00-10:05 President
    Welcome address
    10:05-10:30 Yoon-Seok Chang
    (Postech, Korea)
    Current research activities in SEE and SEAL
    10:30-11:10 Pedro Alvarez
    (Rice Univ., USA)
    Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment and Microbial Control: Mechanisms, Applications & Implications
    11:10-11:35 Woojin Lee
    (KAIST, Korea)
    Selective transformation of nitrate by bimetallic catalysts supported by iron oxides
    11:35-12:15 Gianluca Li Puma
    (Loughborough Univ., UK)
    Novel microfluidic approach for extremely rapid photochemical transformations of chemical and biological species
    12:15-1:30 Lunch at Pheonix
    1:30-1:55 Giehyeon Lee
    (Yonsei Univ., Korea)
    1:55-2:20 Jaesang Lee
    (Korea Univ., Korea)
    Activation of inorganic oxyanions for oxidative degradation of organic compounds: Reaction kinetics and mechanisms
    2:20-3:00 Jorge Gardea-Torresdey
    (U. Texas, El Paso, USA)
    Cerium oxide nanoparticles exposure to bean plants modifies physiological characteristics and shows translocation to the next trophic level: Are there implications in plant nutrition and human health?
    3:00-3:30 Break
    3:30-4:10 Michael Hoffmann
    Quasi-Catalytic Reactions at the Air-Water Interface in Haze Aerosol and Related Nano-droplets
    4:10-4:50 T. David Waite
    (U. New South Wales, Australia)
    Redox active metal-quinone interactions in oxic aquatic systems – implications to metal speciation, quinone transformation and reactive oxygen species generation
    4:50-5:10 Wonyong Choi
    (Postech, Korea)
    Photooxidation of Iodide to molecular iodine in frozen solution: atmospheric implications