

Inquiry on Abstract abstract@kcsnet.or.kr

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No. 주제 기조
심포지엄 구두발표 포스터 합계
1 기조강연 1 1
2 특별강연 2 2
3 기념강연 1 1
4 고분자화학 - Novel Functional Nanostructures: ㅡ Materials, Structures, Properties and Applications Ⅰ 1 6 7
5 고분자화학 - Novel Functional Nanostructures: ㅡ Materials, Structures, Properties and Applications Ⅱ 7 7
6 공업화학 - Dye-Sensitized and Organic Solar Cells 5 5
7 무기화학 - New-Trends in Inorganic Chemistry 1 5 6
8 무기화학 - Materials for Biofuntional Systems 5 5
9 무기ㆍ환경공동 - Chemical Approaches for Green Technology 6 6
10 물리화학 - Current Trends in Physical Chemistry 7 7
11 물리화학 - Oral Presentation by Young Physical Chemists 7 7
12 분석화학 - New Frontiers in Analytical Chemistry 6 6
13 분석화학 - Development and Applications of Analytical Chemistry in Bio- and Nano-Technologies 6 6
14 생명화학 - Biochemistry of Protein Structures and Functions 5 5
15 생명화학 - Nanomaterials and Nucleic Acids for Molecular Therapy 6 6
16 유기화학 - New Development in Organic Chemistry (Reaction, Methodology, and Synthesis) 1 5 6
17 유기화학 - New Development in Organic Chemistry (Function, Recognition, and Device) 5 5
18 의약화학 - Current Struggles against Infectious Diseases 7 7
19 재료화학 - Large-Scale Nanopatterns by Self-Assembly 8 8
20 재료화학 - Identifying the Material Characteristics for Medical Applications 5 5
21 전기화학 - Electrochemical Microchip Devices 1 6 7
22 환경화학 - Emerging Pollutants in the Environment 6 6
23 KCS School - 신성장동력과 화학산업 5 5
24 고분자화학 - General Topics on Polymer Science I (대학원생 발표) 8 8
25 고분자화학 - General Topics on Polymer Science II (일반 회원 발표) 5 5
26 공업화학 - Recent Trend in Green Chemical Processes 4 4
27 물리화학 - Theoretical and Experimental Physical Chemistry Forum 1 10 11
28 유기화학 - Oral Presentation for Young Organic Chemists 4 4
29 재료화학 - Recent Progresses in Materials Chemistry 10 10
30 초중등교사ㆍ화학교육 - Recent Trend in Chemical Education 8 8
31 고분자화학 75 75
32 공업화학 16 16
33 무기화학 172 172
34 물리화학 235 235
35 분석화학 149 149
36 생명화학 51 51
37 유기화학 348 348
38 의약화학 63 63
39 재료화학 189 189
40 전기화학 69 69
41 초중등교사ㆍ화학교육 9 9
42 환경화학 7 7
합계 1 2 1 5 118 49 1383 1559