

Inquiry on Abstract abstract@kcsnet.or.kr

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No. 주제 기조
심포지엄 구두발표 포스터 합계
1 기조강연 1 1
2 기념강연 1 1
3 고분자화학 - Current Trends in Biomedical Polymers 6 6
4 고분자화학 - Polymeric Materials for Information Technology & Electronics 5 5
5 무기화학 - Past, Present and Future of Inorganic Chemistry in Korea 9 9
6 무기화학 - Catalysis: Current Trends and Future Challenges 5 5
7 물리화학 - Frontiers in Physical Chemistry 6 6
8 물리화학 - Physical Chemistry at the Nanoscale 2 5 7
9 분석화학 - Advanced Bio and Environmental Analysis I: Sensor and Chip 6 6
10 분석화학 - Advanced Bio and Environmental Analysis II: Spectrometry and Separation 1 6 7
11 생명화학 - Lipid and Glycochemistry 1 5 6
12 생명화학 - Fluorescent Probes for Bioimaging 5 5
13 유기화학 - Current Trends in Organic Chemistry I: Supramolecular Chemistry & Molecular Sensors 1 4 5
14 유기화학 - Current Trends in Organic Chemistry II: Functional Organic Materials 5 5
15 의약화학 - Current Trend and Future in Metabolic Disease 5 5
16 재료화학 - Two-Dimensional Materials: Graphene, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, and Others I 5 5
17 재료화학 - Two-Dimensional Materials: Graphene, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, and Others II 5 5
18 전기화학 - Electrochemistry on New Electrode Materials I 4 4
19 전기화학 - Electrochemistry on New Electrode Materials II 4 4
20 환경에너지 - Current Topics in Solar Conversion Technology 6 6
21 환경에너지 - Trends in Green Chemistry: Biosynthetic and Biomimetic Technologies 7 7
22 국가와 기업이 원하는 과학기술 인재상 2 2
23 ICT 미래소재 심포지엄 (Flexible, Touch) - “감성은 부드럽게 Touch하고, 생각은 Flexible하게!” 4 4
24 KCS Tutorial on Friday : Principle and Application of Graphene 4 4
25 한국다우케미칼 어워드 수상자 구두발표 9 9
26 고분자화학 - New Horizons in Polymer Chemistry 18 18
27 무기화학 - Oral Presentation for Young Inorganic Chemists 6 6
28 물리화학 - General Oral Presentation 15 15
29 분석화학 - Oral Presentation of Young Analytical Chemists 6 6
30 생명화학 - Oral Presentation of Young Biochemists 6 6
31 유기화학 - Oral Presentation for Young Organic Chemists 7 7
32 의약화학 - Oral Presentation for Young Medicinal Chemists 7 7
33 재료화학 - Current Trends in Materials Chemistry 9 9
34 화학교육 - Recent Trends in Chemistry Education 8 8
35 고분자화학 90 90
36 공업화학 34 34
37 무기화학 123 123
38 물리화학 197 197
39 분석화학 83 83
40 생명화학 55 55
41 유기화학 263 263
42 의약화학 57 57
43 재료화학 180 180
44 전기화학 53 53
45 초중등교사ㆍ화학교육 22 22
46 환경에너지 17 17
합계 1 1 5 122 82 1174 1385